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Kolan D., E. Cattan-Tsaushu, H. Enav, Z. Freiman, N. Malinsky-Rushansky, s. Ninio, and S. Avrani. Tradeoffs between phage resistance and nitrogen fixation drive the evolution of genes essential for cyanobacterial heterocyst functionality. ISME J 18(1): wrad008.


Shaalan H*., E. Cattan-Tsaushu*, K. Li, and S. Avrani. Sequencing the genomes of LPP-1, the first isolated cyanophage, and its relative LPP-2 reveal different integration mechanisms in closely related phages. Harmful Algae 124: 102409. *equal contribution.


Avrani S. and D. Sher

Viruses – agents of change in the oceans. Front Young Minds 9:569372.


Borin J.M., S. Avrani, J.E. Barrick, K.L. Petrie, and J.R. Meyer 

Coevolutionary phage training leads to greater bacterial suppression and delays the evolution of phage resistance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118(23): e2104592118.


Katz S*., S. Avrani*, M. Yavneh, S. Hilau, J. Gross, and R. Hershberg 

Dynamics of mutation accumulation and adaptation during three years of evolution under long-term stationary phase. Mol Biol Evol msab067. *equal contribution.


Gross J., S. Avrani, S. Katz, S. Hilau, and R. Hershberg

Culture volume influences the dynamics of adaptation under long-term stationary phase. Genome Biol Evol 12(12): 2292–2301.


Avrani S*., S. Katz*, and R. Hershberg

Adaptations accumulated under prolonged resource exhaustion are highly transient. ​mSphere 5(4): e00388-20. *equal contribution.


Avrani S., E. Bolotin, S. Katz, and R. Hershberg

Rapid genetic adaptation during the first four months of survival under resource exhaustion. Mol Biol Evol 34 (7): 1758-1769.


Avrani S. and D. Lindell 

Convergent evolution towards an improved growth rate and a reduced resistance range in Prochlorococcus strains resistant to phage. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112: 2191– 2200.


Dekel-Bird N.P., S. Avrani, G. Sabehi, I. Pekarsky, M.F. Marston, S. Kirzner, and D. Lindell Diversity and evolutionary relationships of T7-like podoviruses infecting marine cyanobacteria. Environ Microbiol 15(5): 1476-1491.


Avrani* S., D.A. Schwartz*, and D. Lindell

Virus-host swinging party in the oceans: Incorporating biological complexity into paradigms of antagonistic coexistence. Mob Genet Elements 2(2): 88-95. *equal contribution.


Avrani S., R. Ben-Shlomo and M. Inbar

Cryptic speciation along the fragmented Irano-Turanian distribution zone: Phylogeography of Pistacia atlantica and its galling aphids. Tree Gen Genomes 8(4): 811-820.


Avrani S., O. Wurtzel, I. Sharon, R. Sorek, and D. Lindell 

Genomic island variability facilitates Prochlorococcus-virus coexistence. Nature 474: 604-608.


*This paper was highlighted in News and Views of this issue: Partensky F. & L. Garczarek. Arms race in a drop of sea water. Nature 474: 582-583

Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
Sarit Avrani research lab, Haifa University, ISRAEL
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