Kolan D., E. Cattan-Tsaushu, H. Enav, Z. Freiman, N. Malinsky-Rushansky, s. Ninio, and S. Avrani. Tradeoffs between phage resistance and nitrogen fixation drive the evolution of genes essential for cyanobacterial heterocyst functionality. ISME J 18(1): wrad008.
Shaalan H*., E. Cattan-Tsaushu*, K. Li, and S. Avrani. Sequencing the genomes of LPP-1, the first isolated cyanophage, and its relative LPP-2 reveal different integration mechanisms in closely related phages. Harmful Algae 124: 102409. *equal contribution.
Avrani S. and D. Sher
Viruses – agents of change in the oceans. Front Young Minds 9:569372.
Borin J.M., S. Avrani, J.E. Barrick, K.L. Petrie, and J.R. Meyer
Coevolutionary phage training leads to greater bacterial suppression and delays the evolution of phage resistance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118(23): e2104592118.
Katz S*., S. Avrani*, M. Yavneh, S. Hilau, J. Gross, and R. Hershberg
Dynamics of mutation accumulation and adaptation during three years of evolution under long-term stationary phase. Mol Biol Evol msab067. *equal contribution.
Gross J., S. Avrani, S. Katz, S. Hilau, and R. Hershberg
Culture volume influences the dynamics of adaptation under long-term stationary phase. Genome Biol Evol 12(12): 2292–2301.
Avrani S*., S. Katz*, and R. Hershberg
Adaptations accumulated under prolonged resource exhaustion are highly transient. ​mSphere 5(4): e00388-20. *equal contribution.
Avrani S., E. Bolotin, S. Katz, and R. Hershberg
Rapid genetic adaptation during the first four months of survival under resource exhaustion. Mol Biol Evol 34 (7): 1758-1769.
Avrani S. and D. Lindell
Convergent evolution towards an improved growth rate and a reduced resistance range in Prochlorococcus strains resistant to phage. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112: 2191– 2200.
Dekel-Bird N.P., S. Avrani, G. Sabehi, I. Pekarsky, M.F. Marston, S. Kirzner, and D. Lindell Diversity and evolutionary relationships of T7-like podoviruses infecting marine cyanobacteria. Environ Microbiol 15(5): 1476-1491.
Avrani* S., D.A. Schwartz*, and D. Lindell
Virus-host swinging party in the oceans: Incorporating biological complexity into paradigms of antagonistic coexistence. Mob Genet Elements 2(2): 88-95. *equal contribution.
Avrani S., R. Ben-Shlomo and M. Inbar
Cryptic speciation along the fragmented Irano-Turanian distribution zone: Phylogeography of Pistacia atlantica and its galling aphids. Tree Gen Genomes 8(4): 811-820.
Avrani S., O. Wurtzel, I. Sharon, R. Sorek, and D. Lindell
Genomic island variability facilitates Prochlorococcus-virus coexistence. Nature 474: 604-608.
*This paper was highlighted in News and Views of this issue: Partensky F. & L. Garczarek. Arms race in a drop of sea water. Nature 474: 582-583